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List of all Apple ][ ROMs
[Sorted by User Rating]

Listing titles from 2051 to 2100
Game Name:Average Rating
Computer Napoleonics (1980)(SSI)5.0000
Eamon 041 - Caverns of Lanst (1995)(R. Volberding)5.0000
Eamon 166 - Storm Breaker (1993)(-)[a](Disk 1 of 3)[No Boot]5.0000
Great American Cross-Country Road Race, The (1985)(Activision)[cr]5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[b](Disk 2 of 4)5.0000
Reach For The Stars (1985)(SSG)(Disk 1 of 2)[nib]5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)[a2](Disk 1 of 4)5.0000
Artesians (19xx)(Reno Soft)[cr]5.0000
Computer Quarterback (1981)(SSI)5.0000
Eamon 042 - Alternate Beginners Cave (1985)(R. Volberding)[No Boot]5.0000
Eamon 166 - Storm Breaker (1993)(-)[a](Disk 2 of 3)[No Boot]5.0000
Great Maine to California Race, The (1983)(Hayden Book)5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[b](Disk 3 of 4)5.0000
Reach For The Stars (1985)(SSG)(Disk 2 of 2)[nib]5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)[a](Disk 1 of 4)5.0000
Asteroids (1980)(Cavalier Computer)5.0000
Conan (1984)(Datasoft)[cr][a](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)5.0000
Eamon 042 - Alternate Beginners Cave (1985)(R. Volberding)5.0000
Gremlins (1984)(Atari)[cr][o]5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[b](Disk 4 of 4)5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)(Disk 1 of 4)5.0000
ATC (1979)(Avante Garde)5.0000
Eamon 043 - Priests of Xim! (1994)(M. & E. Bauman)[No Boot]5.0000
Eamon 166 - Storm Breaker (1993)(-)(Disk 2 of 3)[No Boot]5.0000
Gremlins (1984)(Atari)[cr]5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[cr](Disk 1 of 4)[nib]5.0000
Realm of Impossibility (1986)(Electronic Arts)[cr]5.0000
Sundog Frozen Legacy v2.0 (1984)(FTL)[cr](Disk 2 of 2)5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)(Disk 2 of 4)5.0000
Autoduel (1985)(Origins)(Disk 1 of 1 Side A)5.0000
Eamon 043 - Priests of Xim! (1994)(M. & E. Bauman)5.0000
Eamon 166 - Storm Breaker (1993)(-)(Disk 3 of 3)[No Boot]5.0000
Grey Seas - Grey Skies (1983)(Simulations Canada)5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[cr](Disk 2 of 4)5.0000
Realms of Darkness (1987)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 3)[nib]5.0000
Super Boulderdash (19xx)(-)[cr]5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)(Disk 3 of 4)5.0000
Autoduel (1985)(Origins)(Disk 1 of 1 Side B)5.0000
Conflict 2500 (1981)(Avalon Hill)5.0000
Eamon 044 - Escape From The Orc Lair (1990)(J. Hinkleman)[No Boot]5.0000
Eamon 167 - Expedition To The Darkwoods (1989)(-)[No Boot]5.0000
Gruds In Space (19xx)(Sirius)[cr](Disk 1 of 1 Side A)5.0000
Might And Magic - Book One (1986)(New World Computing)[cr](Disk 3 of 4)5.0000
Realms of Darkness (1987)(SSI)(Disk 2 of 3)[nib]5.0000
Windwalker (1989)(Origin)(Disk 4 of 4)5.0000
Karateka (1984)(Broderbund)4.8889
Wizard of Oz, The (1985)(Windham Classics)[cr](Disk 1 of 3)4.8571
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The (1984)(Infocom)4.8571
Santa Paravia And Fiumaccio (1979)(Instant)4.8571
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (1984)(Muse)4.8571
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